We are pleased to announce that Academic Travel Abroad has a new logo! Our old logo has served us well, but after several decades, we decided it was time to modernize our look.
To us, the paper airplane symbolizes a journey—in motion, it can go anywhere. It embodies innovation and creativity—qualities we strive to incorporate daily into our work. It suggests education and out-of-classroom learning—a paper airplane conjures up images of science competitions, school yards, and day-dreaming students who seek to escape to the outside world. It evokes playfulness, fun, and, whimsy, as well as a bit of the unexpected. This feeds into our corporate value of “never a dull moment” and our appreciation for a sense of humor. It represents transformation—what started off as a simple piece of paper is now a vehicle for flight. We take pride that our travelers experience personal development and transformation traveling around the world on our programs.
Rest assured that behind our new look, we are still the same ATA that you’ve come to know. Our mission to create unique, enriching experiences for intellectually curious travelers, all while exceeding the expectations of our partners, is stronger than ever. We continue to be committed to contribute meaningfully to our world, our field, and the community